Friday, August 10, 2007

Maintaining that Summer Weight Loss (10 minute routines) Christine Albrecht

Visit Swanktrendz

Quite a while back, I read an expired SHAPE magazine fitness article which asked its readers to submit their lowest daily exercise regime. The catch...? Contributors were to describe a 10 MINUTE routine they use that works. After the initial, What the ... ? wore off, the routines for a ten-minute workout remained, inviting us with their We are so EASY to perform, your great-granny could do this!

So as we slide into our end-of-summer state of denial (also known as We look good, so what’s another pound?) (We also surreptitiously turn our heads so as not to glimpse our expanding girth.) For variety’s sake those of us in denial of those creeping-upon-us pounds may even offer up the tried but true Sure my weight is slightly up, but don’t forget the water/salt retention ‘scapegoat’.

Well, gang - it is time to rattle our comfort zones and insert a daily physical maintenance to ensure water retention doesn’t slowly creep in to that 20 pound “oops!”. These following routines are fun, quick and use various muscle groups without tormenting them all, and great cardio is thrown in.

Swanktrendz has laid out a Monday through Friday sampling of 10 minute routines. Try it out. Stay with it for two weeks (without increasing food intake) and let us know how your experience was. (Please note, these routines require both gym apparatus and regular apparatus - feel free to alter the routines to suit your needs.)

Monday - (after warm up stretches) Do :

1 minute intense stationary riding bike,

2 minutes heavy leg press,

1 minute intense stair climbing,

2 minutes heavy arm press,

1 minute intense rowing,

2 minutes heavy hamstring lifts.

Don’t take a break during these exchanges as the heart rate needs to remain at a healthy high. Stretch out (throw in 25 crunches)

Tuesday - (after warm up stretches) Do:

1 minutes of push-ups (ladies’ form or mens’ form)

2 minutes of jumping jacks

1 minute of push-ups,

2 minutes of crunches,

1 minute push ups.

2 minutes of jumping jacks.

1 minute of pushups,

Don’t take a break during these exchanges as the heart rate needs to remain at a healthy high. Stretch out (throw in 25 crunches)

Wednesday - (after warm up stretches) Do:

1 minute of jump rope,

3 minutes of fast line dancing (approx. one song).

1 minute of jump rope, and

3 minutes of fast line dancing.

End with 2 minutes of jump rope.

Don’t take a break during these exchanges as the heart rate needs to remain at a healthy high. Stretch out (throw in 25 crunches)

Thursday - (after warm up stretches) Do:

1 minute running in place.

2 minutes of elliptical trainer.

2 minutes running in place,

3 minutes of the elliptical trainer.

2 minutes running.Don’t take a break during these exchanges as the heart rate needs to remain at a healthy high. Stretch out (throw in 25 crunches)

Friday - (after warm up stretches) Do:

2 minutes of jump rope,

1 minutes of leg extensions,

1 minute of intense jumping jacks,

1 minute of triceps pull downs,

1 minute of intense stair climber,

1 minute of hamstring curls,

1 minute of stationary bike,

and 2 minutes of rowing machine

Don’t take a break during these exchanges as the heart rate needs to remain at a healthy high. Stretch out (throw in 25 crunches)

Mix up your days, or even mix up some of the routines between days. Now you have several mini exercise routines that you can perform withoutboredom or apathy. Imagine the sense of well being you will have for as little as ten minutes a day.

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