Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Helmet: Boucher’s review of Monochrome

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Full of twisted riffs and powerful rhythms, Monochrome hearkens back to Helmet's most popular album, Meantime. All the elements are here, and Page Hamilton's writing and guitar work is as enjoyable as ever. The riffs are huge, the grinding dissonance cuts through like a rusty blade, and the wacked-out guitar solos add just the right amount of extra personality and ugliness.

Some moments are more about pounding the grooves (the snappy drumming driving Hamilton's riffs that much further) and some are more about a twisted sort of dissonant atmosphere. Sometimes there's even an actual melody or two, a sort of deranged metallic pop sensibilty floating above the mangled riffage.

Monochrome isn't a knockout, but it is a very enjoyable slab of grind and balls for your metal-pleasure.

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