Thursday, June 23, 2005

Of Birthdays and TIME: By Sashi

Just a couple of things, since I know no one's gonna be reading this because they'll be at the bash...

I read somewhere (for some reason, I've lost the link - if you know of the site in question, let me know) that probability-wise, when in a group of 23 people, the odds that at least 2 people will share the same birthday (just date and month, not year) is very good (over 50%).

Since there'd be quite a number of people at Charlie's Place tonight, I wonder if anybody out there reading this and going there will indulge me in performing this little experiment. You know, just ask around and see if any two birthdays match up. Thanks...

The other thing is that TIME magazine have published their 50 Coolest Websites list. Check it out and see if you agree. They even have a section on Blogs too...

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Vancouver, BC, Canada
First, please excuse any grammatical and/or spelling and editing errors - I try. I am Christine, and I am responsible for the all the activity that occurs on this blog site. Lezah and I decided we were going to start a rudimentary (very rudimentary) website to discuss music, fashion and Vancouver events. We began to acquire extra contributors thus broadening swanktrendz's focus. Please realize that is NOT a 'for profit' ezine - the writers' contributions are strictly voluntary.